It's easy to connect with remote contributors on platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams or vMix Call. It's much harder to take those contributors feeds and make them part of a professional looking and sounding broadcast.
That's what LiveX has specialized in for years.
We all know many of these public platforms can leave much to be desired when producing a broadcast quality stream. At LiveX, we've spent years incorporating things like Zoom into elevated productions where the experience for the contributor may be routine, but the finished product looks much more polished. Between our New York City and Green Bay studios, we are able to bring in countless contributors via Zoom who each have their own dedicated video and audio feeds that we then incorporate into a specific production, whether that's a livestream or internal corporate conference.
If you're interested in learning more about professional remote contribution, or have any questions about how we might be able to provide broadcasting assistance, whether for an audience of 2 or 200,000, be sure to contact us!