3 primary show projection walls as a single canvas.
5 monitor video art gallery with interactive game.
Custom Ipad App control for game.
Rio presenting about Go Shows
We built a custom prompter software for situations that require inset windows of camera and projection gfx feeds in the prompter. Truetype fonts, typical speed control, network text file refresh. Place windows with opacity and any feed inside a single prompter monitor.
Hudson Brothers have a game show called Guess the Video which was played in the audience. The app allowed users to pick an unknown video, Hudson brothers can then scrub pause and save markers in order to challenge players.
"Guess the Video" control app interface

LiveX simulates the show environment in realtime for preproduction tech rehearsal
Live Camera FX on Great Big World
Content Impact in Canvas
The video gallery. 5 1080p certified artists bins. Center screen cross dissolves between game mode and gallery mode.
Client: Solid Angle / VEVO
Venue: Stephen Weiss Studios NYC
Date: May 5th 2014
Video Production Design: Brandon Epperson