With much of the world turning to remote workflows due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, more people than ever are gearing up and connecting with coworkers via some form of live streaming.
Things are no different at Live X, where most of our staff is working from home while still connecting with remote clients and the production team in the Live X studio. It is necessary for that communication to be simple and easy while allowing for collaboration similar to what we are used to in an open office environment.
During this time there are many companies turning to remote solutions and most are new to the live streaming landscape; whether that is for 1 to 1 communication or 1 to many. It is difficult to carry on with business operations when the technology now required seems complicated and nonintuitive.
I thought it would be helpful to share our Remote Caller Guidelines for those who are working remotely for the first time and are looking for guidance to ensure that they are operating at peak efficiency in an area they might not be all that familiar with.
You can download the PDF here.
Please feel free to reach out to Live X at [email protected]. We are here to assist and enhance your communication, whether it is for an audience of 2 or 2000.